Phantom Requiem (2024)
Overview : “Phantom Requiem" unfolds in the desolate expanse of an abandoned factory, where shadows and silence are the only remnants of a once-thrumming industrial heartbeat. In this spectral setting, a coterie of puppets emerges—ethereal figures, each step and gesture echoing the dissonant unraveling of a viewer ensnared in a psychotic fugue. Rendered in austere black-and-white, this stop-motion film marries the macabre grace of desolation with the intimate terror of mental dissolution, crafting a visual poem that is both stark and sublime
Release Date : June 19, 2024
Runtime : 4m
Companies :
Countries : United States of America
Keywords : depression, schizophrenia, stop motion, demonic possession, claymation, dadaism, absurdist, bipolar disorder, outsider art, neo-surrealism, short film, emotional